Hello I'am

Muhammad Afifuddin S.Kom

Full Stack, Front End Developer
A Professional Full-Stack Developer, Front End Developer, and Trainer Progamming in Channel Youtube Wahidev Academy


  • S1 Informatics Engineering Wahid Hasyim University (2014-2018)


  • President BEM Wahid Hasyim University (2017-2018)
  • Full Stack Developer and Founder PT. WAHIDEV Teknologi Indonesia (2018-2020)
  • Front End Developer Bussan Auto Finance (2020-2022)
  • Mobile Developer ProSpark.co (2022-2023)


Unity Unvitation
Brayan Aplikasi Berbagi Makanan Gratis
Hostwisata Aplikasi Wisata
GoImpact e-Learning Mobile Apps
MU Foundation e-Learning Mobile Apps
TeamEnergy e-Learning Mobile Apps
exSead e-Learning Mobile Apps
Online Store JerseyPedia
Sandia Merchant BAF
Sandia Multiproduk BAF
Incentive Managemenet System BAF
Agent Management System BAF
Content Management System BAF Mobile
Sistem Informasi Hidrologi BWS Sumatera VI
Magis Mobile (Madrasah Geographic Information System)
Website Madrasah Geographic Information System (Magis)
Website Online Store Bahan Batik Pekalongan
Online Store Bahan Batik Pekalongan
Puskapik News Portal Mobile Application
Syahriyah PP Darussalam Jatibarang Brebes Mobile Application
Geo Mapping System CIPTA Data
Sistem Informasi Keuangan STIEPENA (SIMKEU)
Sistem Informasi Akademik STIEPENA (SIAKAD)
Sistem Informasi Produk Hukum (SIAPH) Waykanan
PMB STKIP Muhammadiyah Batang
OJS Stikes Bhamada Slawi Tegal
Tracer Study Stikes Bhamada Slawi Tegal
Sistem Informasi Laboratorium Stikes Bhamada Slawi Tegal (SIMLAB)
Sistem Informasi Keuangan Stikes Bhamada Slawi Tegal (SIMKEU)
Sistem Informasi Akademik Stikes Bhamada Slawi Tegal (SIMAKAD)
E Learning Stikes Bhamada Slawi Tegal
Sistem Koperasi Cahaya Amanah